According to statistics, about 80% of people on the planet have a back problem. Possible causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods - read the article.
Every person has at least sometimes experienced low back pain. But if it used to occur in older people, today lumbar spine pain often bothers young people. Acute or painful, disturbing - back pain - lasting only a few minutes or lasting weeks or even months can occur for a variety of reasons. Often a person gets used to his condition. Unpleasant feelings become a part of life. But a doctor’s visit is still delayed, reducing the chances of recovery.
Causes of low back pain - what you need to know
- More often, low back pain is caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine - joints, intervertebral discs, ligaments, periarticular muscles.Osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, osteoporosis, protrusion and injury of the intervertebral disc - these and other diseases of the spine acquired over time are always painful. At the same time, it is important to identify the reasons that led to these violations. There are dozens of theories about the origins of these diseases. Being overweight has a negative effect on the spine, as a result of which the vertebrae experience increased stress, leading to premature wear. Violation of posture or incorrect posture during work results in overload of the muscles, as a result - nerve stings, vertebrae displacement. Sprains and microtraumas are unavoidable in the event of a sharp overload of the muscles, weight lifting or unsuccessful movement.
- However,back pain may be secondary and not necessarily associated with spinal pathology.This may be due to an infectious process. For example, in brucellosis, damage to the vertebrae leads to sclerotic changes and the appearance of osteophytes (outgrowths) that compress nerve tissue. In tuberculosis, the vertebral bodies are destroyed. In osteomyelitis, the structure of the spine is compressed due to the accumulation of purulent contents. In any case, pain appears in the lumbar spine.
- Tumors(osteoblastoma, myeloma, osteosarcoma, spinal metastasis, etc. ) - are associated with benign or malignant pain, usually of varying intensity, in the lumbar region, not suitable for analgesics.
- One of the common causes of back pain is many diseases of the internal organs.Rheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondyloarthritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, inflammation of the appendages, prostate diseases, and problems with the intestines and even the lungs.
5 common causes of back pain
The back can rightly be called an indicator of the condition of the body. Almost every problem in the body is accompanied by pain. Lumbar pain can be of a very different nature: it is painful or acute, occurs after sleep or prolonged stay in one position. Often the sudden shooting pain makes it impossible for a person to move. The intensity of painful manifestations depends on the cause of the origin of the pain. The most common are
1. Lumbago, also known as lumbago
This is one of the most common back pain. Appears in case of physical stress or uncomfortable posture. Although it can happen for no apparent reason. Burning and erupting pain does not allow a person to straighten. When you try to change the position of your body, even if you cough, the feelings only intensify. Acute pain can last from minutes to hours or even days, but in some cases it suddenly disappears.
2. Sciatica (sciatic neuralgia, lumbosacral radiculitis)
Sciatica is manifested in the shooting of pain, tingling, and numbness. The pain often extends along the sciatic nerve to the buttocks, in the back of the leg. Feelings can be so intense that one is unable to sit, walk, or bend down.
3. Lower back pain with osteochondrosis
This is the most common type. More often, it grows gradually and increases with any movement, even in case of sneezing or coughing. In addition, the sensitivity of certain areas of the lower body or legs may be impaired.
4. For diseases

Low back pain is very common in various diseases. It is painful, dull in nature and can be given in the hypochondria to the lower abdomen, the area near the navel. However, in the case of renal colic, a person experiences very intense pain and urgent medical attention is required.
5. Muscle cramps
Muscle cramps appear when the case is not in the correct position for a long time. As a result, spinal mobility is limited. This triggers the so-called “vicious circle” when the back pain is caused by a muscle cramp, which in turn leads to pain again. This condition can continue for a long time and cause quite tangible suffering to a person.
What to do with acute back pain?
Acute low back pain occurs in a wide variety of cases. Protrusion and intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, lumbago and sciatica, injuries and circulatory disorders. As well as various diseases of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity. It is almost impossible to determine the cause of painful feelings alone, so a person should be taken to a professional.
- If you suspect a spinal cord injuryor a vertebra, it is important to restrict movement before the medical team arrives.
- Stretchingmuscles or ligaments. You can apply a cold in the first few minutes, which will prevent the swelling from growing and reduce the pain.
- For an attack caused bydiseases of the spine, you must first be in the most comfortable position. Most often, a person experiences relief when he or she is lying on a hard surface with his or her feet slightly raised. If you cannot see a doctor right away, you can take painkillers.
- If back pain is a symptom ofinternal diseases, the patient chooses the most comfortable situation for him. It is important to note that if the cause of the low back pain is unknown, it is better to refuse warming compresses and ointments. Indeed, in the presence of an inflammatory process, they can aggravate the situation.
Methods for diagnosing low back pain

There are several conditions in which low back pain occurs. A doctor's help is needed to establish their origin and prescribe treatment. Their appearance is not always due to spinal diseases. In this case, it is primarily the localization of painful feelings that is important. For example, right or left lower back pain may indicate urological pathologies, intestinal diseases: appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, obstruction, and so on. In some cases, there may be pain in the lower back, such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, or when taking toxic medications. If the back hurts below the lower back, such localization may indicate diseases of the genitals, such as uterine appendages in women and the prostate gland in men.
Start by visiting a therapist or neurologist who will prescribe the necessary tests. In some cases, it may be necessary to seek the advice of a urologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, infectious diseases, and other close specialists. Thanks to the diagnostic methods available today, the cause of lumbar spine pain can be precisely determined. X-rays of the lumbosacral spine are the most accessible examination method to detect structural damage, the presence of an inflammatory process, osteoporosis, and related disorders. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is the most effective diagnostic method, and even the slightest violation can be detected due to the layering of internal structures. In addition, a variety of laboratory tests can be prescribed - depending on the symptoms.
Treating Back Pain
The patient should be kept at rest in all situations. However, the treatment tactic is chosen depending on the disease causing the spinal pain.with dystrophic and functional changes in the spineprescribes anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants to relieve muscle cramps, and medications that improve nutrition and tissue regeneration. The appointment of physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy) as well as massage, acupuncture and therapeutic practices is very effective. In some cases, such as hernia or injury, surgical treatment is recommended.
To reduce pain, it is recommended to wear a special bandage to relieve excessive tension and muscle cramps. It is used as an adjunct to drug therapy in osteochondrosis, radiculitis, trauma, and postoperative periods. But a professional needs to choose a model as there are different options for corsets.
If lower back pain is a symptom ofinternal organ disease, treatment should be selected based on existing pathology: antibacterial agents in the presence of an infectious process, surgical treatment - tumor, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, etc. . . .
What to do if you have back pain?
We are so arranged that when health problems occur, we try to get rid of the painful feelings on our own. Especially in cases where movement is not restricted, the condition does not worsen and the pain appears to be relieved after taking the painkiller. But you should know that the only cause of back pain is trauma, which one can define relatively accurately on one’s own. In other cases, it is better to leave the diagnosis to a specialist. But there are situations where you need immediate medical attention:
- inability or restricted movement;
- decreased sensitivity in certain parts of the body, tingling in the limbs;
- urinary or fecal incontinence;
- severe pain, fever, nausea, etc.
How to maintain mobility for many years or a little bit about prevention?
Many back pain does not occur suddenly. And serious diseases, accompanied by pain in the lower back, can be completely prevented. What is needed for this?
- Treat existing diseases in a timely manner and have regular preventive examinations.
- Physical activity should be appropriate for your age, weight and general condition. If it is impossible to avoid lifting weights, the load must be lifted with a straight back. In addition, there are special devices for carrying weights and you can also use a corset to support your back.
- Straight walking, rejection of corners, correct position during sitting work helps to avoid spinal deformity.
- Inactivity and malnutrition certainly lead to overweight - the main culprit in almost all diseases, including the spine. Correcting your diet, exercising regularly, swimming in the pool, even walking in the fresh air will help you avoid many problems. In addition, an active lifestyle is an effective tool for managing stress - this is the main problem of modern man. But frequent stressful situations can rightly be called the main risk factor for the development of many pathologies.
Unfortunately, the desire for self-healing is unavoidable. Many recipes, supposedly wonderful rubs, and widely advertised ointments often prove useless when used uncontrollably. Remember - self-healing is a waste of money and time! By refusing the help of professionals, we may risk acquiring an advanced form of the disease. Therefore, if you are worried about lower back pain, do not delay later, consult your doctor!